Aphorisms you never asked for Pt. 1 v1.3

If you don't believe anything I write here, you're going to have a bad time.

If you believe everything I write here, you're going to have a worse time than I did.


Live the life of a thousand aphorisms.


You can't own what you worship.

(It owns you.)


Strife is the law of life. You don't need to spend long seeking it out.

Strife will find you.


Listen, it is not necessary to pursue pleasure nor greatness nor wealth. It is sufficient to live a life dedicated to mindfully avoiding suffering.


The Logos is the word (stories, narratives, values in the form of the written and spoken word) that carved their way through time and death and war and famine and plague and generation.

Seek it. Learn from it.

Its other name is History. 


God, they say, is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent—all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful.

Man, is omnivore—all-consuming.


At the center of being is void.

When the self tries to see itself, it sees nothing but its hollow center.

If war-and-strife is the father of all things, then where is the mother? Is she love?
Deliver us from the eternal onslaught; we grow tired.

The shadow doesn't make mistakes; it makes chaos and reveals unspoken truths—both of which deserve attention.


You can't not-be yourself.

You are, as a metaphysical necessity, always yourself.

You've been yourself this whole time.


No one will live up to your values; but someone may share them.


Do you want to know your rightful place? Challenge authority, and to your place you will go—higher or lower, or far away; but you won't stay where you are.


From a personal/phenomenological/subjective perspective, I think that the ego is like a CEO: it doesn't do any of the real work, and when he intervenes in the small stuff, nothing works right; he's there to make a few executive decisions, but he can't do any of the real work.


Politicians aren't evil, but the successful ones are.


Symbols are crystallized philosophy.

(Some guy on reddit plagiarizing some Jungian hack).


Did you think that you could escape without psychic damage? Psyche is supple and scars easily. You are permanently marked by your history.


Experience is unreliable, and yet, undeniable.


Thinking amounts to hesitation and reluctance.
But more often than not, it is useful.


Fuck, shit, cunt, bitch—these aren't curse words.

These are curse words: nigger, faggot, tranny, spic. They damage.

Best not to curse. And note, language shifts. Tomorrow will have new curse words.


There is no such thing as a life calling.

Life commands.

Disobedience is death.


It's a cruel irony on God's part that our own insecurities are often more obvious to other people than to ourselves.


idk what God is


Relentlessness isn't comprised of vigor, passion, or fire.

Relentlessness is tempered, heavy, and slow-burning.


Charity is not goodness. Patience is not benevolence.

Be charitable in conversation with everyone you meet. Humor evil men. Listen to lies. Listen.

Pay attention.

When the time comes, you'll know better when to strike. Stab him in the back, the face, or the side—whatever gets the job done.


Statistics mark the fate of a population.

But take a lone person—her character is her fate.


Psyche is a wilderness.

Ideas are plants and animals.

The mind is a garden.

Judicious care is necessary: You can't grow everything; and it's difficult to organize multiplicity.


The soul is the union of the brain and the gut and the social and the historical.


Read. It may save your soul (if you survive the despair it first brings).


What should you read? It doesn't matter. Liber enim librum aperit. One book opens another. The path will unfold before you as you go along.


Power flows.


Life is more clever than I am.


The road to poverty feel lax. Building wealth feels constrained and uncomfortable; such is discipline.


A fool who survives trials is no longer a fool.


If you give Nature free reign over a corner in your mind, there, she will blossom great and terrible things.

If you do not give Nature a corner in your mind, she will make her own in the shadows.


Nothing is more harmful to climbing or (positively) transforming the social ladder than succumbing to resentiment and resentment.


Debt—social or financial—can be fetter or foundation.


The sight of a beautiful body speaks an old poem to the soul.


Do not worship justice.

Better yet, don't worship ideals.


Worship justice and you'll see injustice.

Worship beauty and you'll see ugliness.

Worship kindness and you'll see hate.

Worship wealth and you'll feel poor.


We all know that a man will betray his values.

But who knows that values will betray a man?


I may be too young to say this, but this is what I see:

The more I read philosophy, the less meaningful but more beautiful she becomes.


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